Saturday, November 4, 2017

One Book - No Secrets

I want to share happiness and joy with other people. We don’t always have time to pay attention to Jesus, to our Christianity. People have jobs, kids, spouses and a host of other things going on. But if in the midst of that I can share a glimmer of true hope and peace with anyone, I will be so pleased.

God wrote us a letter with ALL of the information in it. Everything is explained, nothing is kept secret, we are allowed to know and understand everything. And the thing is, the story and the plan are easy to see – not difficult as people tend to think. The Bible is just one book, it is the word of God. In fact, there is simplicity in the way the story is told and re-told, and the way the plan is woven in and plain to see. God wouldn’t make it too hard for even a child to understand.

How to find this out for ourselves? It sounds good and it IS good. We just need to read and understand the book – God’s word to us. Remember I said there are no secrets? Well, don’t believe me, believe God when he tells us in Amos 3:7, “surely the Lord God will do nothing but he reveal his secret unto his stewards the prophets”.

You may say, “Well, I’m no prophet”, and that would be true. Since Jesus, there have been no new prophets. But guess what? The prophets wrote down all that God said! And it’s in the Bible. God has revealed his secret to us, we just need to read and understand.

And, in Mark 13:23 Jesus himself says, “But take ye heed: Behold, I have foretold you all things”. Whoa! I guess we can find out everything we need to know to be true Christians; fulfilled, peaceful, happy, hopeful and strong in our faith and our knowledge of the Word – right now, in this life and on into the next life.

God is not keeping anything from us – all we have to do is read and learn what the letter he wrote to us says. It’s not hard! It is just one book.

God will not force His word on us, though. We have to take it. God even begs us in Isaiah 43:26 to put him in remembrance of his word – in other words he is asking us to know his promises and commands and wants us to prove to him that we know. God is asking us to “call him out” on his promises, to remind him what they are. This is the way he can justify us, make us righteous!

Isaiah 43:26 (this is God speaking directly):
“Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou may be justified”. KJV

It is written.

Have you read it?