Friday, July 27, 2018

Time Periods in the Bible (ages)

What many don’t see is that throughout the Bible, there are three time periods being spoken of, profoundly significant and very important to understanding of God’s plan. Since some Bible versions purposely mistranslate things, if people aren’t also using a good version of the Strong’s Concordance with their study, they will simply not understand as well as they could. (More recent versions of Strong’s Concordance have been re-done and are no longer correct, sorry to say… Satan is always at work).

I unhesitatingly recommend the King James Version of the Bible for all study – it is the one English version best translated from the Hebrew and Greek. It’s not perfect, but much better than most English versions, and the Strong’s Concordance, a wonderful reference for what Bible words really mean from the English to the Hebrew or Greek, was written from the KJV translation.
Most pastors and preachers don’t even touch this subject of ages/time periods – too hard for them. Easier to be a one-verse Charlie every week from the pulpit that to actually teach the truth. (God will deal with them later – the “false prophets” that he rails at constantly throughout His word.)
So, to touch upon understanding of this subject, I will bring up Gen 1:1, “In the beginning”. “In the beginning” was millions of years ago for the earth, as science has proven over and over. That is the time to which all fossils and remains belong.
What then, about the idea of the earth being only 13 or 14 thousand years old as far as the Bible teaches? The thing that is not being taught or understood very often is that there are three “earth ages” being spoken of throughout the Bible. The first one is only touched upon in Scripture, as the bulk of the Word of God is directed to the fleshly existence of humans on this earth during the second time period. But the first and third periods are definitely discussed, we just have to open our eyes and ears to God’s wisdom to see them.
Genesis 1:2 – here is the root of the problem. The KJV says “the earth was without form, and void;” but when you research the original Hebrew manuscripts, you learn that the word “was” is actually “became” in the English, or see Strong’s Hebrew #1961 – the primitive root is “hayah” in Hebrew, which means, among other things, “become” or “come to pass”.
So, to get it right, the earth became without form; and void;… How important is this? Well, let’s talk about wisdom. The reasons for the book of Proverbs is just that – wisdom. Read Prov. 1:1-6 to get the idea of what the book is there for, then read Proverbs 1:7 to find out that we must LISTEN to wisdom, because “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Of course, the word “fear” throughout the Bible generally means “revere” when applied to “the Lord”, so don’t be afraid, be reverent. (Be afraid if you aren’t listening to the Lord… because bad things WILL happen, but in general, the Bible is telling us to revere Him.)
Okay, now head to Proverbs 8:22 forward to read more about the creation. The “I” there is “wisdom” – wisdom was with the Lord always, from the beginning, before his works of old.

Back to the time periods – a very misunderstood subject is one that Peter talks about in 2Peter 3:8 – please read 2Peter chapter 3 in full, but I will mention first 2Pet 3:5 – Peter says “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. (underlines mine)
In verse 6, Peter is not speaking of Noah’s flood. He is speaking of the previous earth “that then was” (when the heavens were of old). He is speaking of the earth “that became without form, and void” as mentioned in Gen. 1:2. That is the world that “then was”, as opposed to the heavens and earth “that are now”.
We have defined two time periods, the age that was before and the age that is now. The before age is the time where we have dinosaur remains and fossils of all kinds, but then God made the earth void, he cleared it of everything. Why? Because of Satan’s fall, because one-third of the spirits God created that inhabited the earth before it “became void” (tohu in Hebrew) went with Satan in the Fall, and God wants to reclaim as many of them as He can.
So, God made the heavens and the earth “which are now”, to give his creations one chance, and one chance only, a physical lifetime on earth, to choose between Him or Satan.
Jesus makes mention of the previous age also in his beautiful prayer in John 17 – when he says in John 17:24 “Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me; be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou has lovest me before the foundation of the world.”
I would like to mention a bad translation in most English versions of the Bible except the KJV, the NKJV and the ASV. It is in Hebrews 1:2 and is important. The other versions use the word “world” and that is very incorrect. The word is “worlds” and is speaking of the three earth ages, in the Greek the word is “aions” 165 in Strong’s, and means “an age” and “perpetuity”, not “kosmos” (2889 in Strong’s, which means “the world”. God and his Son created the ages is what Hebrews 1:1-2 is alluding to:
Heb 1:1-2

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;    (underline mine)

Now the third earth age – the future for everyone who lived or lives in flesh bodies on this earth. Notice 2Peter 3:8 – 10. In verse 8, Peter explains that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years to man. Then in verse 10 Peter is telling us about the Lord’s Day, the one-thousand year period that begins immediately after Jesus returns, also known as the millenium. Peter tells us in verse 9 that the Lord is long-suffering toward us, not willing for any to perish, but that all should come to repentance. Nevertheless, the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, unexpectedly. Notice that the heavens pass away, the elements will melt, the earth will melt along with the works that are therein – they shall all be burned up. But also please notice that spirits are not mentioned as being destroyed, just the heavens and the earth and the works therein.
However, that does not mean that all are saved, see verse 16 where Peter explains that those who are unlearned and unstable wrest with the scriptures, “unto their own destruction”.

We MUST not remain unlearned! Instead see verse 18 – “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (underline mine) We live in a world where very few people are too ignorant to learn the precepts of the Bible. But many choose not to learn. It is their choice, but “unto their own destruction”. Not God’s choice, for sure, yet God will honor their choice, “unto their own destruction”.
In the USA and throughout the world, Christians are suger-coating God’s word badly. We really must become aware of what God REALLY says, or our eternal lives could be toast! There are important things to know and understand, and if you can read this, you can understand what God’s word says, with just a little bit of study and work. Please do it! I pray that you will. I’m here to help!
(Let me suggest that you may have a purpose right now in this world, for God’s Kingdom, as He calls us to do certain jobs at different times of life. Please don’t think God can’t use you – He can and He wants to! All you have to do is the groundwork – and that is to love Him, believe in Him with all your heart and soul, and study the letter that He so kindly sent you that outlines the plan and you will see your part in it when you’ve spent some time learning that very plan. It’s not hard. It’s fun.)